Saturday, September 29, 2007


Paper仍然在修改中。 請繼續努力。

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Moon Festival

Time to have some moon cakes.





就是這一家糕餅店,老闆不太裡人,態度有點跩,可是東西真的很好吃!店名是一美芳,Main Street地鐵站出來轉個彎就到了。

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Yankees game 9/22/07

Game on Sep 21, 2007 vs. Toronto Blue Jays. Wang pitched a good game but didn't get offense support from the Yankees. The Yanks came back on the bottom of the 9th inning, crushing Halliday and made up a 4-run deficit. The incredible comeback was then unfortunately ruined by Brueny in the 14th.

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Ramen noodles

山頭火拉麵---不是火頭山喔~ 跟古中文一樣,日文也是會從右邊寫到左邊的。


Mitsuwa最有名的,大概就是這家山頭火拉麵了。我們在一個週末,從紐約曼哈頓四十二街的port authority,搭乘shuttle bus前往Mitsuwa「註」。




Mitsuwa Marketplace - New Jersey Store

Web site:
595 River Road
Edgewater, NJ 07020

TEL: (201) 941-9113
FAX: (201) 941-5437

View Larger Map

註:這部專車滿小的,大概只能做二十幾個人吧,所以假如有興趣搭shuttle bus前往Mitsuwa,一定要盡早出發喔,排隊隊伍很長的。

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Migrating from PC to Mac - Day 1

Just got a new MacBook and it's time to find out how to work on a Mac. It's my first day seriously working on a Mac. First thing to do for me: set up remote desktop access so I can get hooked up to my Linux box. I usually use the VNC server to open a desktop and edit my documents/run my programs on it. As opposed to using the xterms, this wayI can resume my work with everything as is by calling up the same desktop when I got home. Since my Linux box is behind a firewall, I gotta open a secure channel to connect to my VNC server.

1. Port forwarding (secure shell tunneling): setup the connection to the firewall and open a local port that leads directly to the machine behind the firewall. Unlike on Windows, the Mac OS is fully capable of getting this business done. Just open a terminal and use the ssh command:

E.g. ssh -L 1234:machine_behind_firewall:23 username@firewall

2. Connect to the Linux box through the local port with the VNC viewer. There are several choices. Chicken of the VNC is famous but the latency is a bit too long and you run the risk of getting stuck in the full-screen mode. Try TightVNC or Vine instead.

That's it and you are all set to go.

Several VNC software:

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007



In Concert, Searchers Retrieve Yo-Yo Ma's Lost Stradivarius
Yo-Yo Ma, the world's most famous living cellist, could not have planned a more dramatic and nail-biting performance in New York City yesterday.

And an array of New Yorkers, including a phalanx of police officers and city officials and a cabdriver in Queens, could not have composed a more gracious reception: the safe return of his $2.5 million cello.

It was 1 P.M. when Mr. Ma, still exhausted from playing at Carnegie Hall on Friday night, got into a yellow cab at 86th Street and Central Park West, putting his 18th-century cello in the trunk.

But 18 minutes later, when he got out at the Peninsula Hotel on 55th Street, he forgot the cello.

''I made a stupid mistake,'' he said later at a news briefing on the steps of the Peninsula Hotel, ''and I just left without it.''

What followed -- an all-points search for the rare instrument -- was more Hollywood than Haydn.

All the thunderstruck musician had was the receipt for his ride, which had the taxi's medallion number on it, which he gave to hotel security officers.

They alerted the Midtown North precinct on West 54th Street, which put out an all-points bulletin to patrol cars around the city to hunt for the taxi. It also contacted the Mayor's office, which in turn called the Taxi and Limousine Commission.

The commission sent its inspectors on the road to find the taxi.

Close to 3:30 P.M., the 108th Precinct in Long Island City, Queens, sent a patrol car to the taxi's home base, the Maria Cab Company on 44-07 Vernon Boulevard.

It just so happened that the taxi driver, Dishashi Lukumwena, was getting off work at 4 P.M.

With worried police officers and curious taxi drivers standing by, he opened his trunk. There was the rare instrument, in its oversize blue plastic case.

The Venetian cello, known as the Montagnana, was made in 1733 by Antonio Stradivari. Mr. Ma had instrument makers in London and Paris restore the bridge and the tailpiece of the cello, known for its spacious baritone sound.

As he said in February: ''I always felt a little bad putting the Strad under all this pressure, souped up for maximum horsepower. You're always trying to find the right way to make an instrument sing.''

Mr. Ma was the one singing yesterday, when the police called him at 4:15 to say that they had retrieved the cello safely, clearing the way for Mr. Ma's planned performance last night at the Anchorage, under the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn.

And awaiting it eagerly, he was not alone. By 4:30 P.M., the Midtown North precinct was abuzz with television news crews. ''They have the cello,'' one reporter called out, as a police officer carried in the large case with its delicate cargo.

Meanwhile, a worried-looking Mr. Ma sat in the reception area of the Peninsula Hotel, wearing blue corduroys and a sweater and talking on a cellular phone.

Outside, the growing crowd was worthy of a Presidential motorcade. A horde of reporters, police officers, hotel security staff and gawking passers-by jammed 55th Street, with cars spilling into the intersection of Fifth Avenue.

''Who's coming?'' asked one woman, rolling down the window of her white Mercedes.

''The cello,'' someone in the crowd yelled back.

As Lieut. Keith Green carried the instrument out of a black police sedan, Mr. Ma addressed the crowd: ''I thought music was the glue that brought people together. But today, I think we are seeing some good examples of teamwork.''

He then thanked the rescuers.

When asked why such a famous musician was taking a mundane yellow cab, he responded: ''I'm like a regular person. I like to hear Jackie Mason tell me what to do.''

But Mr. Ma's sound is far more eloquent than the taped messages that plague New Yorkers.

One fan, Joan Bowden, who happened to be passing through the crowd, said: ''I've heard him play. It
will bring tears to your eyes.''

Source: The New York Times

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Apple Fifth Avenue Store

Finally got my first Mac laptop. It's a 13-inch MacBook with duo processors and 1 GB of RAM. Technically it's not my laptop, but my boss is generous enough to let me use it on a daily basis. I did fall in love with this MacBook instantly but it might still be long time before I transfer all my work to the Mac platform.

I remember the first day Apple opened its Fifth Ave store in 2006. It was already in late May but the chilly weather made people to don heavy coats still. The long line waiting to get into the store extended several blocks but it never stopped the avid Apple fans. A shiny glass cube about 30 feet tall stood about hundred yards in front of me. It was then it came to me why Steve Jobs said: “With outstanding service and an amazing location open 24 hours a day, the Apple Store Fifth Avenue is going to be a favorite destination for New Yorkers and people around the world.”

I dug out this old video from Apple Store Fifth Avenue. I was among this huge crowd swarming to be the first to see the Store. Time to find Waldo!

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Chade-meng最近是網路上的大紅人,當然也是real world中的大紅人。這個人紅到什麼程度呢?看他跟Clinton、達賴喇嘛、卡特總統等人左擁右抱你就曉得了。難道他是哪一個不知名國家的總統嗎???

No, No, No! You are totally wrong!



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Friday, September 7, 2007

Google Reader and my presentation...

Just watched this video on the Google Blog. What amazed me was not what Google Reader can do, but how the G boys totally revolutionized the way of presentation. When I was in college, not too many Profs. used PowerPoint in class. Students had to squint hard to see what the profs were showing. Hand-drawn tables and figures were rarely readable. Math equations? Forget about it! Power Point slides then became the main stream when I started grad school. You had to show cool graphics and animation to catch people's attention.

Now this whole thing is getting so retro. AND I LOVE IT! Next time I present to my boss I'll be bringing in pieces of paper and shove the figures across the table. I won't draw on the table though...

Back to the Google Reader... I don't think it really helps me to absorb information. Things are just piling higher and deeper... Hey, G Boys! Listen! You guys need to ORGANIZE INFORMATION. You need to do some serious clustering or stuff to help the users. Adding some on-line learning algorithm would be a nice way for the Google Reader to know how the user categorize/read things.

Watch the video below. EOF.

Souce: Find a needle in a feedstack by Google Reader

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Saturday, September 1, 2007



- Don’t fall asleep on the subway.
- Don’t drink too much beer and use the street as a toilet.
- Don’t ask a cabbie (or anyone else) to take you to “HUGH-ston” Street.
- Don’t play chess for money with the hustlers in Washington Square Park.
- Don’t try to swim in the river.
- Don’t count on following the highway signs to get to Yankee Stadium.
- Don’t spend money on condoms when the city gives them out for free.
- Don’t order bottled water.
- Don’t light up in a bar.

- Don't sign up for free credit cards just for a t-shirt or potential airline miles.
- Don't go to clubs on the West Side - police raids and the like.
- Don't travel in huge packs and walk five people abreast.
- Don't confine yourself to the borough your school is in - visit others!
- Don't call subway lines by their colors.
- Don't fall for the You Broke My Glasses scam (when someone claims you broke something of theirs and they demand you pay for the goods)
- Don't go to chain restaurants when there are so many others out there (like why go to Pizzeria Uno when you can go to DiFara?)
- Don't be a Metrotard


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常坐地鐵嗎?相信大家一定對紐約的地鐵有許多不滿, 心中有股怨氣想要發洩. 現在是大家表達意見的時候了:紐約市捷運局(MTA)最近舉辦了乘客意見調查, 評估各條地鐵線服務的品質. 最新出爐的結果評估的不是別的, 正是台灣人可能最常坐的7 號線[註].

7號車得幾分呢?根據MTA發佈的成績單, 7號車的總成績是C-, 最差的幾項分別為Adequate room on board (D), Station announcements (D+), 以及Train announcements (D+). 我相信地鐵其他這麼多條線, 大概這幾項都不合格吧!這後兩項如果要合格, 我想首先就要請列車長們上車前把嘴巴裡的滷蛋吐掉,這樣你們宣佈列車動態才有人聽得懂啦~

下面十項是 7號車最需要改進的地方.
1. Adequate room on board at rush hour
2. Minimal delays during trips
3. Reasonable wait times for trains
4. Train announcements that are easy to hear
5. Station announcements that are easy to hear
6. Cleanliness of stations
7. Working elevators and escalators in stations
8. Sense of security on trains
9. Cleanliness of subway cars
10. Sense of security in stations

我覺得 7號車週末沒有特快車真的是很麻煩的一件事. 也因為如此, 我已經好久好久沒有去Flushing打牙祭了.

不多說了, 大家趕快去投票吧!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,A,B,C,D一直到Z都可以評喔!


  • 紐約地鐵(MTA)
  • 7號車成績單
  • 紐約時報報導

  • 中文
  • 英文
  • 其他語言

    註:7號線的底站位於皇后區(Queens)的法拉盛(Flushing), 是一個許多台灣人聚集的地方, 也因此可以在那邊找到許多台灣美食/小吃. 前一站Shea Stadium是紐約大都會隊(Mets)的球場, 過個街就可以走到USTA National Tennis Center, 這幾天US Open在這邊打得很火熱呢.

    New York. Subway.
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