Thursday, December 13, 2007

Riverside Church, New York

Church in the Clouds
幾個月前去New Jersey玩,順手在Hudson River對岸拍了一張Riverside Church的照片,放在Flickr上面。沒想到前一個禮拜,竟然有一個旅遊網站(Schmap New York)寫信給我請我授權讓他們使用我的照片。


除了Riverside Church, 這個網站我再粗略地看了一下,該有的紐約景點應該都有包含了,不過就介紹而言,內容似乎稍嫌單薄,每個景點都是一個paragraph簡單帶過。不過既然這是一個免費的網站,大家就看看照片跟簡單的景點介紹,想要深入再Google別人的遊記好了。這邊想到一點它的好處:這個旅遊簡介有pack成電腦上可以直接執行的一個小程式,可以download再在自己電腦上看。假如有PDA的話帶著出去玩應該就很方便吧。


Riverside Church

490 Riverside Drive

New York, NY 10027

Tel: +1 212 222 5900

A soaring neo-gothic church with architecture inspired by the cathedral at Chartres, this church houses the world's second largest carillon in its impressive tower. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. gave the bells to the church in memory of his mother. Construction was begun 1927 and completed by 1930. Riverside Church, which is interdenominational, is also a thriving multicultural community center and sponsors a wide array of programs including anti-racism and anti-poverty initiatives. Carillon recitals are held on Sundays and on special occasions. Check the schedule for regular services and tours.

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