Tuesday, August 28, 2007

可愛的可樂廣告 + 紀錄片 + 電影


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相信大家早就知道iPhone被破解了, 之前大家都得乖乖的用AT&T的網路, 現在你可以換到任何一家你想要的carrier了. George Hotz因為家裏用T-Mobile, 沒有辦法使用iPhone手機, 心有不甘, 這個暑假就花了上百小時研究, 找出了破解iPhone鎖碼的方法.

看報紙時得知George Hotz還只是高中生, 但是看到CNBC的訪問還真的是嚇了一大跳... 怎麼看起來這麼小?說他是小學生我也相信~

Anyway, 讓我們看看本尊吧!

註: 這位小天才暑假完就要去上大學了, 他要去的是Rochester Institute of Technology, 不知道他畢業前會不會又破解/發明了什麼東西...


  • George Hotz已經有Wikipedia介紹了: George Hotz
  • 紐約時報的報導: With Software and Soldering, a Non-AT&T iPhone
  • iPhone的破解方法, 分成十幾篇寫的: George的blog

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  • Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Speech


    “When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

    […] Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs

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    Harder to find jobs for biologists


    It's official: biology postgraduates in the United States face greater competition for tenure than ever before. A wealth of data released this month will reopen discussions about employment and training in the US biomedical system.

    [...] the number of students in US graduate programmes in the biological sciences has increased steadily since 1966. In 2005, around 7,000 graduates earned a doctorate. But the number of biomedical PhDs with academic tenure has remained steady since 1981, at just over 20,000. During that period the percentage of US biomedical PhDs with tenure or tenure-track jobs dropped from nearly 45% to just below 30%. - Nature

    原文:Nature News

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    Monday, August 27, 2007

    Wang's 15th Win

    From Peter Abraham:

    “This is like last year,” Wang said. “I feel much better. More confident.”

    Remember that pitch that Posada missed in the fifth inning? It was a split-finger fastball. I didn’t even know Wang had that pitch.

    “I threw it in the minors,” Wang said with a smile. “I still throw it sometimes.”

    Said Posada: “That thing moved like a knuckeball. It wasn’t a bad pitch, I just didn’t catch it.


    Chien-Ming Wang

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    Thursday, August 16, 2007


    再偷偷貼一張PhD Comics的漫畫.

    剛好今天禮拜四有lab meeting, 不錯不錯, 果然工作效率很高.



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    Sunday, August 12, 2007

    Google 降低你的智商

    商業週刊(Business Week)辯論:
    Does the search engine make it so easy to get data that users forgo deeper study?

    Source: here

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    Friday, August 10, 2007

    Motivation trending

    Where exactly am I?

    This chart is cut off for some reason. You should click on the image to see the entire trending (9 years? OMG!). Hopefully my career does not look anything like this.

    Source: PhD comics

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    Thursday, August 9, 2007


    老闆消失了一個月, 原來在維也納過逍遙的日子. 跟他一塊去的R 回來group meeting沒報告什麼正經事, 到放了幾張會場附近維也納廣場的照片.

    大家七嘴八舌的討論維也納哪邊好玩, 突然老闆用他近視加老花的雙眼, 瞪著廣場照片, 問了今天meeting第一個問題: 「廣場中間那是什麼雕像?」

    R的視力好的很, 照片看得一清二楚, 但是不敢得罪老闆, 小聲說道:「I think it's a horse and a general.」將軍加駿馬勾起了老闆的回憶, 老闆兩眼一亮, 篤定的說:「那一定是Prince Eugene! 他當初帶領軍隊擊退了土耳其人!」

    這位Prince Eugene是誰啊???土耳其跟維也納有什麼關係啊???我歷史從來沒有好好念, 臉上頓時冒出三條小丸子麵線. 隔壁的兩位猶太人好像也不知道這位偉大的公子, 露出一臉茫然的表情.

    原來古早以前, 土耳其還是偉大的顎圖曼帝國(Ottoman Empire), 勢力達歐亞非三大洲. 統治者曾經兩度攻打維也納, 第一次在1529年, 因為寒冬天氣惡劣不得不放棄. 第二次進攻發生在1683年(即有名的Battle of Vienna), 鄂圖曼派出14萬大軍圍城, 但是因為奧地利的友邦聯軍插手, 反遭到大敗, 也因此終止了鄂圖曼帝國在歐洲的擴張.

    但是... 是Prince Eugene率領大軍的嗎?

    波蘭裔的P 看不下去了, 開始嗆聲:「不是吧!!是波蘭王Sobieski帶領大軍的!是他拯救了維也納!」

    OK, 當初波蘭、德國、奧地利三國一共派了七萬大軍來解救被圍的維也納, 波蘭王帶領大軍也不是什麼稀奇的事。


    啥?這是什麼推論啊?是因為為了打仗方便, 發明這種中間有一個洞, 可以用一根繩子串起十個, 方便拎著行軍殺敵的麵包嗎?

    P 看大家下巴紛紛掉下, 趕快解釋, 因為維也納居民對波蘭王很崇拜與感激, 戰爭結束後軍隊勝利遊街時, 百姓爭先恐後要摸英勇波蘭王的馬鐙. 麵包師傅趁機開發出馬鐙形狀的麵包, 造成大暢銷, 流傳下來就變成今天我們吃的bagel了.

    看來有這麼好吃又方便的bagel, 真的是又謝謝英勇的波蘭王囉...

    註一:請不要問我甜甜圈是不是波蘭王發明的, 謝謝!

    Prince of Eugene: here
    Battle of Vienna: here

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    Saturday, August 4, 2007

    Multi-touch interface

    Low cost, scalable multi-touch sensing technology. Looks really awesome to me! If big interactive walls of such multi-touch panels can be built, it would be really great for data visualization and management. I guess one thing I'm skeptical about this technology is how it would work in the sweltering summer when your hands sweat so much and your fingers are so sticky to slide easily across the screen. But whatever, who cares? We are going to use it in well air-conditioned meeting rooms, right?

    I haven't touched any of these multi-touch screens but I think this clip is definitely worth watching. Jeff Han is a research scientist at NYU. More information can be found at the bottom of the post. You can also visit SolarisLabs to see another type of technology that does not require you to touch the screen. A wave of the hand can handle the objects just as well!

    The introduction by Jeff Han: here
    The technology behind multi-touch sensing: here

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    Friday, August 3, 2007

    Wang's 13th win!

    Chien-ming Wang's 13th win of the year!

    Source: Wang brings a sense of relief. The Daily News

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